Friday, July 2, 2010

Barefoot Cornhole and Bizcards

i don't like wearing shoes, but i can't get into most places w/o them-not even in FL.

my friends, from Orlando and PSJ (Port St. John) even, always give me a hard time.

"y aren't you wearing shoes? jeez, jdot."

i just like to pick up things with my toes-they r a lil longer than what i would consider normal-and i like the way pavement, stone and sand feel on the soles of my feet-and it helps me fall on my face less (can be a klutz).

regardless . . .

i got conveinced to enter a cornhole competition at Bubbahlous (a restaurant off of HWY 50 and Challenger PKWY-in orlando). most of the people in the competition were regulars that play there every Tuesday and Thursday. i was severly intimidated, so i had to practice (shoes on).

(side-note: for any1 that has never played cornhole before-it's a game w/ sandbags and plywood boards held up by 2x4's with a hole cut towards the rear of it-1 of the most fun games ever-like horseshoes-irony-fake laugh)

i couldn't make a shot to save my life-maybe i was leaning on the board too much-maybe my freind, who was an ex-Hooters girl that i used to work w/ was distracting me-maybe it was the workout my other friend made me tag along on, after having not worked out for nearly 3 months. eiher way i was sucking it up royally.

finally we picked numbered poker chips to find out who was gonna be on what team. i got so lucky-1 of the guys that goes their all the time ended up being my partner. my workout buddy told me we had it in the bag and i felt a lil competative.

took off the shoes (as if you couldn't tell that was coming)-and it helped. we lost our first match, but i was shooting good. we won the second-got another shot 'cause it was double elimination. lost the third 'cause i got cocky and lost my shot.

no shoes good 4 shot-trying to impress a hot ex-Hooters girl by loosing a 5 bucks in a cornhole ternament bad

. . .

there was also a dj there from a local radio station in the competition-didn't feel like pimpin myself to win a contest i had no chance in @MTVTJ

met another local dj at a bartending competiton at Fridays-got there too l8 to see bottle flipping-got his card-he kindah looked like Guy from Food Network.

better story from home-less rushed.

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